Help is always needed in documenting injured, sick and dead sea turtles . While this opportunity can be challenging, it is very important in helping the survival of our sea turtles. FWCC training is also required. If you don't live in the Keys year round and want to help, you can still become a part of this team and assist when you are in the islands. The STSSN has networks throughout the entire state as well as GA, SC, NC , TX and more. Therefore your training could apply to any of these areas. |
Trash washes up on the beaches daily. Come out and help us make the beaches safe for nesting momma turtles and for babies racing to the ocean. Official beach clean-ups are conducted periodically throughout the year, but you can help every time you’re at the beach by picking up the trash and plastics that you see. Save-A-Turtle also partners with Coast Love for clean-ups throughout the entire Florida Keys. Click here to join an upcoming event with this amazing organization. |